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M.L. Jimenez Rodrigo
P.S. Sánchez-Muros Lozano,
"Studying in a Pandemic: Analyzing the Effects of Online University Teaching Using Photovoice", "International Journal of Sociology Education"
, vol.X, 1-XX, 2024
J.L. Paniza Prados, D. Alvarez-Lourido
A. Alvarez-Sousa,
"Ageing, Leisure Time Physical Activity and Health in Europe", "Healthcare"
, vol.11(9), 1-19, 2023
M. Luque Suárez "`On Both Sides of the Strait¿: Discourses and Policies on Cultural Diversity in Southern Mediterranean Spain", "RES. Revista Española de Sociología"
, vol.32, 1-27, 2023
I. Puertas Cañaveral, J.M. Jiménez-Cabello, D. Becerril Ruiz
J.L. Paniza Prados,
"Same-Sex Marriages, Divorce and Children from the Prism of Methodological Triangulation", "Social Sciences"
, vol.12, 1-16, 2023
Z. Budayová, M. Roubalova, J. García Martín, H. Grezo
J. Cilingiri,
"Raising and Educating Children in a Roma Family to Practice their Faith Through Roma Customs", "Journal of Education, Culture and Society"
, vol.2, 456-467, 2023
M.C. Olmos Gómez, M. Luque Suárez, F. Ruiz Garzon
R. Portillo,
"Exploring the link between volunteering, wellbeing, and positive psychology: the role of NGOs and work placement programs", "Journal of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing"
, vol.7, 1268-1281, 2023
M. Ortiz Cobo, R.I. Jeri-Levano
J. García Martín,
"Technologies in Migration Processes: Mediation in Communication and Social Capital", "Journal of Education, Culture and Society"
, vol.2, 188-209, 2023
I. Puertas Cañaveral
J.L. Paniza-Prados,
"Same-Sex Marriages, Divorce and Children from the Prism of Methodological Triangulation"
, vol.12, 1-16, 2023
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024